Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Boys!!

Friday November 18th is Jacob and Jono's 8th birthdays!!

Happy birthday to you both!!

Jacob's mum brought a cake in for us to gobble today... Thanks Monique!
The kids (and Miss Renee!) loved it!! It was a number 15 All Blacks jersey with J. CAMPBELL in white on it! Future All Blacks Jacob!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 3

We had a good week. We swam four times this week. Next week we've changed our swim time to 9:10 am. We will do Jump Jam and then the roll, then we'll zoom over to the pool and swim. That way we can get our fitness out of the way at the start of the day, then get into our work!

The children have been designing their own Rangoli which they will colour this week. Here are some more we have put up on our windows.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Term 4 Week 2

This week Room 5 went on the Goldfields train trip. Thank you to all the parents who came along, and a special thanks to Pippa's Poppy. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride and conversations with you! We read another fable about Belling the Cat. We also started our swim programme, and on Thursday, we made guys... Mr and Mrs Guy Fawkes. We took them along to the Opoutere Fireworks Extravaganza and threw them on the bonfire. They burned up super fast! Because they were the only guys - we also won the competition!!! Free pizza for the whole class from Laurenzos!!!! Well done Room 5!!