Train Trip

Syndicate 1 Train Trip

The Year 1 – 4 students went on an outing to the Goldfield’s Vintage Railway. This proved to be a very successful day despite the showers of rain. The Railway volunteers commented on the great behaviour of our students and were very complimentary about the student / parent ratio that we had. A big thank you goes to all those parents who helped us out on this day.
The highlight of the excursion was when the train stopped several times on the way back to Waihi. Wet wheels and track plus extra carriages on the train proved a problem on all slight inclines. Despite this, however, the 5 and 6 year olds helped out by pushing on the picnic tables on the open carriages and got us moving again!!! They were convinced that they had moved the train. Some science learning needs to take place in later years we think!
We had a fantastic day out on the Goldfields Train. Here is a picture trail of our time...