In Term 3 we started the Chunk Check Cheer programme, which is a NZ literacy instruction method of teaching spelling through exploration of spelling patterns within words.
The children 'discover' the chunk of the week on Monday, and I issue them with spelling lists that include two words that are personalised for them (ie. mispelt words from previous tests). These lists they write into their spelling notebooks and take home to learn. I advise they learn to spell these by writing them down. On Fridays - they have a test.
We run through a Chunk Check Cheer rotation of games, wordplay, and worksheets on Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesday we have a 'Chunky Challenge' where the children work together in mixed ability groups and write down as many words they can with the chunk of the week in.... this is their homework on a Monday night. Talk with your child about the chunk of the week - at dinnertime, or on the way home from athletics / the pool etc.
Tuesdays and Thursdays we will do further spelling / literacy work in the classroom. This programme has had a lot of success in schools, and it really helps the children to spell unknown words, when they can slow down and spell the chunks that they know.
Here are some pictures of what we've been up to...